
学术发表|余南平、栾心蔚:Metaverse Redraws Geopolitical Map

我院余南平教授、栾心蔚博士于《国际观察》期刊发表的《论元宇宙对未来地缘政治的影响与塑造》一文,曾全文被收录于《中国社会科学文摘》2023年第11期。近日,该文章被中国社会科学报英文版《Chinese Social Sciences Today》编译刊登。



In international political studies, a metaverse empowered by digital transformation is anticipated to trigger significant shifts in power dynamics and geopolitical landscapes. However, there is limited macro-level understanding of these upcoming changes. In particular, in the current historical phase where technological revolutions intersect with a resurgence in geopolitical dynamics, how will the metaverse restructure the virtual world? How will it shape new realms of international politics and the contest for global power? What profound implications will the metaverse bring to the world’s geopolitical future?


▲The first “Bird’s Nest Digital Experience and Metaverse Festival” opened at the National Stadium on Dec. 18. The week-long event will present the most cutting-edge digital technology, the trendiest cultural IP, and the most interesting entertainment and interactive experiences currently popular in the metaverse. Photo: CNSphoto


About 余南平
